➪ Choose the setup option that works best for you.

Running PromptOps with the local runner route allows script execution with your existing CLI tools. To create a specific set of roles allowing you granular control over what PromptOps can see and execute, choose the IAM Configuration route.

Step 01
After installing PromptOps, it should show up in the Apps Menu of your Slack Client.

Click to open a conversation with PromptOps

Step 02
View your settings on the PromptOps homepage.

Note: Slack can sometimes have delays opening up the first time. As shown, by default, an Integration type of AWS IAM Role should be selected for you, if not - please go ahead and select that option.

Step 03
Begin pairing an IAM role with PromptOps by copying tenant name.

This is the highlighted text in the homepage as shown below. Note, that this will be different for your Slack client.

Step 04
Navigate to the IAM Management Console on AWS

Login to your AWS Console - and then navigate to the IAM Management Console by searching for IAM, then to the Roles section.

Step 05
Select 'Create Role:'

Selected type of trusted entity: AWS Account

  • An AWS account: Another AWS accountAccount ID: 574904823953
  • OptionsRequire external ID - checkedExternal Id: <ENTER_PROMPT_OPS_TENANT_NAME> This is what you copied in Step 3 above

Step 06
Grant the role Read Only Access

Search for: ReadOnlyAccess in the search bar and select the first policy that shows up

Step 07
Review and finish role creation

Your screen should contain the following:
Role Name:

Role Description: External Role that PromptOps Assumes to call AWS APIs.
Click Create Role to complete the process

Step 08
Get the ARN for the role you created

Once the role has been created, navigate to the role in the IAM Management screen and copy the ARN listed for the role.

Step 09
Copy that value into your PromptOps IAM configuration

Once added, the role will be selected by default in the drop-down below. Any other accounts you add will also show up here

Step 10
Select Your Role in the dropdown to use it

Once added, the role will be selected by default in the drop-down below. Any other accounts you add will also show up here